88 by 88

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88 by 88 is proof that a name that is a little unusual will get you on the net more than the share of attention you deserve. 88 by 88 is a TGP site that has a nice visual organization, a sense of energy and style, the usual kind of content and little else.

TGP sites make their money through paid advertising, affiliate links and display ads and 88 by 88 leverages every single avenue it can get but there is a sense of desperate energy to it which somewhat spoils the effect and when you happen to be in the mood for some autoeroticism the last thing you want at the back of your mind is the thought that this is some guy’s idea of making money he needs badly.

Does 88 by 88 succeed in what it sets out to do? As TGP sites go it is neither as bad as the worst nor as great as the best which means it stakes its territory somewhere in the hotly contested middle ground. Because of that it has to work harder for less and, as it happens in these circumstances, struggle on for ad revenue.

Site Detail

Price: FREE

Terms: Free membership

Content: Videos and photographs


(+) A good range of content

(+) Easy to use

(-) Fails to rise above the TGP crowd.

Online Reviews

"88by88 is a site I never forget because it’s so damned easy to remember man! I mean you just can’t go wrong with just six characters four of which are the same number. The chics are hot, I have found clips which rocked my world and it is free to view as you’d expect." -- Sensible Erection (3/5 - #2 Overall)

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